Culture And Society

Busting Clichés Book Award

This Just In: Busting Clichés Has Been Nominated For The 2018 Reader’s Choice Awards!

Hey there! I am thrilled to tell you guys that Busting Clichés has been nominated for the 2018 Reader’s Choice Awards by TCK Publishing! And I thought the spotlight was the best thing to happen for my book this year! If you liked my book, do give your vote on the Reader’s Choice Voting page. …

This Just In: Busting Clichés Has Been Nominated For The 2018 Reader’s Choice Awards! Read More »

Friday boredom

Got A Case Of The Fridays, Anyone?

Sometimes, you just need to slow down and chill to recharge your batteries. One can’t and shouldn’t want to be productive all the time, right? So the next time you find yourself getting overly overwhelmed, why not try to cut yourself some slack? PS It’s not just little old me saying it. The Cut agrees.