Truth Bombs

ban arranged marriages in india

These Memes Explain Why Arranged Marriages Are Toxic

Okay, not all arranged marriages are toxic but they generally are and honestly, they should be banned. Here are some substantial reasons why they should be made illegal: For the record, I did not have an arranged marriage. Why am I clarifying this? Because some people will think I had one and then accuse …

These Memes Explain Why Arranged Marriages Are Toxic Read More »

Is The Coronavirus Bringing Out The Worst In People Everywhere?

It’s official: the World Health Organization just declared the coronavirus outbreak as a global pandemic. In a crisis like this, it is imperative for us to keep calm and fight back as one. Differences aside, we are members of the same species. Sadly, going by news reports and personal observations, so far the virus has …

Is The Coronavirus Bringing Out The Worst In People Everywhere? Read More »