How I Got My Mojo Back With Thinkpot

be brave take risks thinkpot
According to the Internet, summer is a time when motivation levels dip as quickly as the temperature soars. I concur. Lately, it’s been so hot here in Pune that I wish I were living in the icy depths of Antarctica, and I am somebody who isn’t a big fan of winter either.

Apart from the excruciating heat, there was one more thing that was bugging me: I was getting second thoughts about being a professional blogger. You see, a few months back, I had decided to monetize my four-year-old blog and the journey, although exciting and fulfilling, hasn’t been lucrative so far.

So last Monday was a particularly bleak one as I sat on my chair rethinking my decision of being an entrepreneur, that maybe it was time for me to go back to an unsatisfying yet stable 9-5 job. The thought irked and saddened me, and I wanted to distance myself from it for a while. So I did what I usually do when I need to distract myself: I headed to Amazon to do a little window shopping.

That’s how I came across this amazing frame by Thinkpot that said, “Be Brave. Take Risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”

It spoke to me instantly and I added it to my Cart. The frame had me feeling pretty good and I decided to check out more products from this brand.

A few minutes later, I ended up with two more Thinkpot products in my Cart: a cute motivational calendar for my desk and a kickass mousepad that I anyway needed. No really, my previous mousepad needed to be replaced ever since my little nephew had tried to tear it apart with his teeth. Kids, huh?

So anyway, I quickly purchased all three items and signed out of Amazon. I was feeling pretty pepped thanks to my inspiring purchases, and I was curious to learn more about Thinkpot. How had I not heard of this amazingly motivational brand before?

After a quick Google search, I learned that Thinkpot was an Indian brand founded in 2014 with the motto to “inspire and instill motivation in your daily life.” I then realized why all the products had such a motivational theme: it was why the brand existed in the first place.

Within two days, my newfound inspiration arrived home.

I excitedly hung the frame on the wall and placed the calendar and mousepad on my desk. And just like that, my motivation to work was back with a bang.

motivational desk calendar thinkpot
There’s my cute little calendar
motivational mousepad thinkpot
And that’s my perfectly wise mousepad

The frame, the calendar, and the mousepad have had such a good impact on my mind that I am at my productive best ever since.

Even then, I couldn’t get Thinkpot off my mind. Now that I had gotten a little taste of it, I wanted more. I headed to the official website and realized that it had far more variety than Amazon. I fell in love with the frames in particular and wanted nearly all of them!

thinkpot beautiful frames
How I wish I could have all of these frames…and they have loads more!

Even though they are affordable, I was all out of money for the month so couldn’t purchase any more frames. Oh well, I can wait until my birthday to get some more. And why just limit myself to frames? The brand offers a wide variety of inspiring stationery, wall decor, drinkware, and accessories in general.

Anyway, Thinkpot impressed me so much that I wrote to customer service and enquired if I could be an affiliate. They said I could and that as of now, they provide affiliates with coupon codes. And then they gave me my exclusive code.

If you wish to get 10% off on your entire order of Thinkpot products, just type in the coupon code ‘MAHEVASH’ before you make your purchase. In return, at no additional cost to you, I will get a small commission from Thinkpot.

So what are you waiting for? Head to to buy yourself a huge dose of daily motivation.

4 thoughts on “How I Got My Mojo Back With Thinkpot”

  1. Wow! Now, that’s something really inspiring!
    I, too, get these thoughts once in a while, when I wonder if I am really going to gain from all this passionate blogging and writing I do everyday. Thanks to your post and those quotes, I am feeling better, myself and am going to have a look at Thinkpot soon. Until then, I will save the quotes you shared and keep working.

    Thanks for the inspiration, Mahevash!

    1. Hi Shilpa,
      Always glad to see you in the comments section <3
      Happy to know that I could inspire you in some way.
      You're welcome but it's really not me, Thinkpot is pretty darn amazing for some good old fashioned motivation.

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