Whoosh! Yet another year has flown by! I can hardly believe it, can you? I had planned way too many things for 2016, which is probably why I’m feeling less than pleased as I review the year today.
Well, 2017 is the year I don’t want to have this dreary feeling in the pit of my stomach, so I am going to keep it simple, doable and accountable. Starting today, here are the 3 changes I am going to be making in my life.
1. Take myself lightly
Writing is my passion and profession and it means a lot to me. As it should. But the problem is, I am often fretting about whether my writing is good enough.
Yes, as awful as it sounds, I need external validation to feel that I am an actual writer. If all this worrying helped at all, I would at least consider letting it stay with me. Au contraire! It hampers not just my writing, but my very quality of life. Well, I am so over this self-doubt.
Whenever I catch myself worrying, I am going to tell myself, “not everybody is going to like (or even relate to) your words- and that’s okay. And sometimes, everyone in any line of work does something they’re not too proud of. Blame it on human fallibility and move on to your next piece of writing.”
So a few months later, when my book is finally out, and people don’t appreciate it despite all the effort it took, I am not going to stress too much about it. I tried my best, and that’s what ultimately matters, right? Ditto for public speaking.
2. Look after my body and soul
First off, no more snoozing. It just makes me feel guilty and grouchy, and that’s hardly the best way to start a day, is it? I am going to wake up early and get some exercise first thing in the morning.
I don’t enjoy physical activity, but I do love the happiness boosters and anxiety relief that comes with it. And yes, I love sleeping in, but I know mornings are best suited for exercise, so I am going to adapt.
Thankfully, I don’t really eat a lot of junk food, so I am pretty sorted there. Now for my soul…I am saddened to say that there’s a lot about religion I simply don’t know. That really does suck, and I am going to ensure I get a little more knowledgeable about the workings of religions around the world. It isn’t that hard, all I have to do is use Google.
3. get SOME domestic and financial education
Household chores can only be avoided for so long. Everyone has to cook and clean at some point in their lives, so I might as well get a basic know-how. Similarly, finance isn’t my favorite thing in the world, but again, everyone has to learn to manage money. High time I begin so I don’t feel so lost anymore.
At 26, there’s a lot I know. But there’s so much more I don’t know and this year, I intend to tip the scales in my favor, if only just a little. Of course, I am not doing this alone. Accountability partners, I am looking at you. You know who you are, right? Right. And baby steps all the way.
PS Dear readers, my book launch has been delayed because I haven’t got all the quotes I need for my book. Also, I am looking for an affordable social media expert to help me create *at least* a 2 month Facebook and Twitter campaign. If either or both are your thing, email me right away!
And of course, let me know what changes you are going to be working towards in 2017…I promise I am not just a curious cat, I really do want to know more about you!
Brava, madam! It’s nice to see “simple” things in your list! “Simple” at their core, but can threaten to change your entire life (for the better)!
As a writer, I would think that #1 would give you the most trouble, since we always seem to be open and vulnerable. There’s also no preparing for it, as it is very hard to reason out every little thing ahead of time, but having a good, stable base of confidence is surely the first step and you have that (and more)!
Ah, before I start rambling, the point is to be proud of yourself and excited for all the greatness your changes will bring! You won’t face these things alone, either, good luck!
Right you are…#1 is the hardest! Thank you and wish you luck for your goals too. Happy new year :)
I like you and your words, amongst many other things! The best part about you is that you take things seriously, whether it is your writing or the people around you. You are going to get only the best next year and I’ll be glad to watch it all happen. Love you <3!
This couldn’t have come in at a better time. Thanks and love you Miss Quirky <3
Those are wonderful points to address regarding yourself in the new year, Mahevash! I want to take myself more lightly, too. I find I always tell myself I am such a bad person and that has to stop. I have to stop feeling bad about everything I do and start believing in me.
You will do great in 2017, I know it! As will your book. Keep up the good work! :)
You are a great person and you really need to stop with the guilt and up the self-belief.
Thank you for your kind words…I know 2017 will be an amazing year for you too!
1. Take myself lightly – If you are happy with your writings, then what more could you want? You know that you cannot please everybody so don’t waste your time trying. When you get your book published… simply celebrate the fact because, although their will be negativity expressed, it will invariably be from people who have no book published!
2. Look after my body and soul – So important for a healthy self-esteem. There are so many benefits from exercise, not the least of which is brain stimulation which is so important for creators! Understanding the perspectives of religions may well influence your own perspective and, as compassion and caring are common “drivers”, you have to benefit!
3. Educate myself domestically and financially – To function effectively, these are necessary for our world. To be at full potential, you must be at peace within yourself. You will feel so much better when the household chores are done. You will get a great sense of satisfaction if you can get yourself in a financial situation that makes sense as a strategy for the future.
Wishing you all the focus and energy you need to accomplish your 2017 goals. Go for it!
Thanks for inspiring me even more! What are your goals for 2017?
I really don’t establish annual goals as such. I prefer to set goals as/when an interest/opportunity arises. Next year I do want to find some regular time to get back into music which should happen starting next week. I have a book of poetry ready “to go”, but that next step is currently on hold due to the time being absorbed in promoting “Who Said I was up for Adoption?” Is the time worth the end result? I don’t have an answer yet! I also used to do a lot of running and am contemplating how to configure my time to get back into it! Considering that I am retired, there’s insufficient time to do everything that I would like! :)
That’s great! I guess that means you are spontaneous and have a lot of discipline! There’s never enough time, is there? I hope you manage to fit it all in :)
Well it certainly ensures a very busy and productive life! My life has always been like that and I have no regrets! :)
Very enviable! Would you like to be a beta reader for my book?
Hi Mahevash – If you would like to give me an overview of your book, together with your expectations of a beta reader…. then I can answer your question. :)
Could you give me an email address? I promise I’ll delete it right away.
Please check your email :)