Who Are You, Really? Let’s Find Out!

who are you really doug dillon quote

A few days back, I attended the second session of my digital marketing internship at Digital Deepak. Conducted by the founder himself, it was all about the importance of marketing to the right people in the online world. Deepak taught us about the customer avatar, which is basically a profile of your ideal customer. Anybody who wants to build a brand online needs to craft a customer avatar. Not only does it help you figure out who your audience is, but it also helps you figure out who your audience isn’t.

“If everyone is your target audience, no one is your target audience.” — Deepak Kanakaraju

Besides, you cannot appeal to everyone and be authentic at the same time, right? In order to connect with the people you are interested in, you need to know who they are. And in this space, I want to connect with YOU, not anybody who has access to the Internet. So if that means some people out there don’t like me or what I have to say, I can live with that. Everyone has haters no matter who they are, and the best way to deal with it is to take it in your stride.

Given that my niche is culture, society, and mental health, my opinions have been considered controversial simply because they are different from what is considered ‘normal’. Let’s not forget the stigma and stereotypes that show up in any discussion of mental health. My blogging journey hasn’t been easy – I have been trolled and I have received hateful comments. But believing in my fundamental right to express myself and the support I have received from you guys always gives me the courage to go on.


Anyway, in order to have better conversations with you, dear reader, I made an avatar of the kind of individuals who return to this blog. This is what I came up with:

Name: Charlie (I chose a gender-neutral name because people of all genders show up and are welcome here. 💖)

Education: Lifelong Learner

Age: 22 to 34 (hello, fellow millennial!)

Religion: Born as ___, primarily identify as spiritual

Personality Trait: Introvert or Ambivert (Despite this post, I have nothing against extroverts, I swear!)

Qualities: Unconventional, Woke, Dreamer, Rebel with a cause, Authentic, Flawsome

Location: India, USA, UK ( Ideally, I’d like anybody who understands English to come over.)

Career Status: Got four options here 👇

A) Self-employed and trying to deal with the stress of entrepreneur life

B) Figuring out their calling because they are definitely in the wrong job

C) Underemployed/unemployed and trying to establish a side gig to make good money

D) On a break from work to deal with/due to personal or mental health issues

And that’s it. Did I describe you right, at least a little? How can I get to know you better? Tell me!


Apart from customer avatars, we also learned some affiliate marketing hacks from one of India’s top bloggers: Kulwant Nagi.  If you are interested in knowing what he shared, shoot me an email and I will let you in on his hacks.

Now that I have you thinking if I described you correctly, how about *you* spend some time analyzing yourself? Are you living in alignment with your values? Are you pursuing your goals and dreams? Or have you/your priorities changed and you haven’t realized it yet?

This is how I am going to be spending the rest of the evening, so I thought to try and get you on board too! It’s not like we have a lot to do anyway, thanks to the Coronavirus lockdown. Well, I am off to introspect till I get super uncomfortable! Be safe and see you next week.

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