You tell me I’m not like other girls
In a tone of utmost respect
But man, you’re not complimenting me
By disrespecting my very gender
Yes, the ‘you’re not like other girls’ line
Is a sexist slap in the face
To a girl like me
Who knows the truth:
My sisters are amazing creatures
Each one as worthy as the next
If this is all the game you’ve got
Sit down and listen up
Putting other girls down may have worked in the past
Back then I didn’t know any better
But now that I’m woke
This line doesn’t work
It only tells me who you are
A guy who plays the ancient game
Of pitting women against women
And benefiting from the distraction
Now if you tell me I’m like other girls
That’s a compliment like no other
Yes! This is so true! This line is a proper insult, Goddamn it!