10 Foods You Should Avoid To Improve Your Mental Health

foods you should avoid to improve your mental health
Image Via CIMS Today

Our mental health is as important and vital for our overall wellbeing as our physical health. Eating a healthy diet that is rich in essential nutrients not only safeguards our mental health but also helps prevent mental disorders like depression and anxiety. Science and researchers agree that diet can be a powerful tool for those who are dealing with mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

There are many foods that we consume almost every day that are responsible for poor mental health. Some of these foods are even considered healthy by us. Let’s take a look at the 10 foods that you should avoid to improve your mental health.

1. Processed Foods

One of the major reasons why we mainly feel anxious and depressed is because of our love for processed foods. Foods like candy, pastries, high-fat dairies, and refined cereals are loaded with refined sugar and trans fats, both of which are not good for our mental health. Unfortunately, we reach out to these comfort foods even more when we are depressed or anxious, and thus the cycle of poor mental health continues.

2. Bread Made Of Processed Flour

Yes, you read that right. These regular breads that we have every morning thinking that they are healthy are responsible for poor mental health. The highly processed flour in these breads causes immediate energy spikes and subsequent crashes, making one feel depressed and anxious.

3. Ketchup

Ketchup is nothing but loads and loads of sugar. Moreover, your finger-licking favorite has artificial sweeteners and flavoring that is not at all good for your mind. Studies have often related the consumption of ketchup with anxiety and depression.

4. Sugar-free Products

The majority of sugar-free products contain aspartame, a form of artificial sweetener that has been linked with cognitive disorders and behavioral problems. Aspartame is found in many soft drinks too. Many studies conducted on the subject have also confirmed an increased risk of stroke and dementia in people who consume it.

5. Fish That Have High Mercury Levels

When we consume mercury, it spreads in our entire body, mainly in the brain, liver, and kidneys. Though all fish contain mercury in their bodies, larger predatory fish like shark and swordfish have much higher levels. Mercury toxicity can cause problems in our central nervous system. It can even stop proper brain development in babies and cause permanent damages to their brain cells.

6. Wheat

Wheat should be avoided mainly by people who suffer from celiac disease and gluten allergy. But it can also be harmful to people who have neither celiac disease or gluten allergy. So it is always advisable to have less wheat and wheat products in our diet.

7. Coffee

Caffeine in coffee can often make one nervous and jittery. If taken late in the day, it can cause insomnia and lead to anxiety. If you are a coffee addict and planning to go off of it, make sure you go slowly as it can cause withdrawal. However, coffee is not all that bad as it is known to save people from the effects of depression.

8. Soy Sauce

This one also comes in the list of foods that needs to be strictly avoided, particularly if you are allergic to gluten. Consuming soy sauce if you have a gluten allergy can cause neurological disorders. It often makes people feel low and not in the best of moods.

9. Sweetened Fruit Juices

As the name suggests, these are nutritious, yet highly sweetened, fruit-flavored sugar waters that can cause a sugar high and after some time, a sugar rush. Fruit juice can make you feel angry and hungry as well.

10. Vegetable Oils

All refined vegetable oils, namely soya bean, sunflower, canola, and corn should be avoided as they oxidize easily and are highly unstable. You may find it a little difficult to avoid it as it is there everywhere in almost all preparatory foods and are mostly made with Omega-6 fatty acids and it increases inflammation.

Our brain is one of the most important organs in our body as it keeps all the systems of our body functioning. Therefore, we should be careful about what we eat to ensure that none of it affects the normal functioning and health of our brain and thereby, our mental health.

This article is authored by dietitian Sheela Seharawat. Miss Seharawat is a strong believer in healthy living and has transformed the lives of thousands of people through her breakthrough diets. She is the founding member of Diet Clinic, which has 35 outlets all over India. To get your own customized diet plan, visit www.dietclinic.in.

2 thoughts on “10 Foods You Should Avoid To Improve Your Mental Health”

  1. I know, right? It hurts so bad to see coffee on that list. I think the best we can do is cut down on our consumption of these foods instead of shunning them completely.

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