Sheela Seharawat: How To Maintain Good Health When Working In An Office

health at the office
Image Via Franchise India

Finding time to take care of our health is a common problem for almost all of us today. After spending almost the entire day at the office, we end up too tired and stressed out to exercise. What’s more, we devote our weekends to partying or relaxing as much as possible. Without adequate exercise, we are left with body aches, joint pains, backache, and other health issues.

Although not much can be done about your long office hours, hectic work schedule, or even the long commute to and from the office, hope is not lost. Making some small changes in your lifestyle at the workplace can help keep you fit and healthy.

Here are some valuable tips and lifestyle changes that will help you maintain good mental and physical health at work:

Carry your own lunch to work

When we are hungry, it gets really difficult for us to make healthy choices. Instead of eating at your office cafeteria or at a local eatery, it is better that we get our lunches packed from home. This way, we can ensure that we do not have unhealthy foods. Eating home cooked meals does not mean you have to have a boring lunch. You can make your lunch box exciting by carrying some of your favorite item/s, so that you feel good during and after eating.

Get up and move at regular intervals

Sitting down on a chair for hours at a stretch is very unhealthy and may result in bad postural problems, back ache, neck and shoulder pains. Make sure you get up from your chair at regular intervals and just move around a bit. This will not only keep you active but make you fresh and creative as well. The change in activity from sitting to walking will help your brain come up with creative ideas.

Keep a check on your caffeine intake

Caffeine in the form of tea and coffee is okay long as it is consumed in moderation. While it’s best to not consume it at all, almost all of us find it impossible to get through the day without it. Keep in mind that caffeine is an addictive stimulant and is best consumed without or with very little sugar. Overconsumption of caffeine will not only increase your trips to the loo, but it will also fuel anxiety and nervousness. Make sure to not go beyond two-three cups a day.

Keep some healthy snacks at your desk

Everyone loves a little snack now and then, especially when there is a lull at work. But officegoers who don’t keep track of their snacking habits end up consuming more calories in their snacks than in an entire meal. The health-conscious individual must, therefore, stock some healthy snacks like dry fruits, nuts, or carry fruits like banana and apple from home.  These are always healthier options than most eatables at the office canteen or your nearby snacks corner.

Keep your work area clutter free

Keeping a clean desk and work area is of prime importance to keep your mind in a healthy place. Organize and clean your desk before leaving for home each evening. The next morning, on seeing a clean and organized desk, you will feel motivated to work in your space.

Research has proved that ” it is harder to focus on a task when there is clutter. Clutter distracts attention and oftentimes affects the efficient completion of tasks. More than we care to admit, our mental condition oftentimes affect our performance at work. When you are stressed or depressed, the quality of your work may be affected. Physical clutter can mean mental clutter. However, seeing a clean working space may take off a mental load off of you and will make you feel more relaxed. This can make a real difference.” Keep wipes and napkins handy to take care of spills and messes.

Learn to manage stress

Mental health is of prime importance for an optimal level of performance at work. Juggling between different sets of work can be mind-boggling and stressful Learn to manage and control stress before it manages and controls you. When you are unable to deal with pressure, take a deep breath and try to relax for some time. Learn and adopt techniques like meditation and young to handle pressure. Spending time with family, making time for entertainment, and having a work-life balance is also vital to reduce your stress levels.

Walk as much as you can

Being a desk potato is detrimental for your health. Working in an office and being busy is no excuse for sitting on your chair all day. There are many ways you can keep moving while in your office. For example, you can walk while you are on the phone, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and you can walk with your colleagues post lunch. Walking is one of the best and simplest forms of exercise and no matter how busy you are, you can commit to it for at least thirty minutes every day. If you can’t walk for thirty minutes at a stretch, break your walking time into two halves and get going. 

Dietitian Sheela Seharawat is a strong believer in healthy living and has transformed the lives of thousands of people through her breakthrough diets. She is the founding member of Diet Clinic, which has 35 outlets all over India. To get your own customized diet plan, visit

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