Do You Have A Case Of Depsomnia (Depression-Induced Insomnia)?

depression insomnia mahevash muses

It’s late at night, the world’s asleep

But my noisy mind keeps me awake.

My antidepressant isn’t working tonight,

So my broken soul cries out for death.

I toss and turn for hours and hours,

Then an idea for an article enters my head.

I leap towards my journal in a hurry.

If I wait a minute longer, I’ll forget.

It’s moments like this when I’m glad I have depression

For it keeps me up at night and gives me interesting thoughts,

Thoughts that only dare visit me when I wish I were dead.

Please note that I am not trying to romanticize depression in any way. All I am saying is that depression is a terrible thing that also has one or two benefits. If you have insomnia, depression, or are suicidal, please consult a mental health professional. 

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