Just like boundaries, and self-care, toxic is a very popular word these days. It’s so popular that it is often used in the wrong context. It takes a lot for someone to be classified as toxic. But the way people use it, it seems like the world is chock-full of toxic people. As if!
One misdemeanor or two or three does not make a person toxic. And even if it does, people can change if they know what they are doing wrong. Namecalling without giving them a chance is unfair. Calling people toxic is as pointless as cancel culture. What’s the point of labeling and writing off someone? Shouldn’t they get a chance to make reparations and grow?
Plus, most of us are so busy calling out others that we fail to see our own bad behavior. When we don’t label ourselves as toxic, what right do we have to label others?
Let’s stop calling people toxic, stop drawing the wrong kind of boundaries, and show a little compassion instead. Stop judging, start communicating.
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You complain a bit too much usually but for once you make perfect damn sense.
You realize so much it’s almost hard to argue with you (not that I personally would want to haha). You definitely put a brand new spin on a subject that has been written about for a long time. Great stuff, just great!
I couldn’t agree more. Toxic has lost meaning as a word because of overuse.
toxic is a heavy word and should be used with caution. thank you for bringing awareness. great article.