This is it, it’s finally my turn
Can no longer avoid my presentation
There’s so much on the line
Can’t mess anything up
It will only worsen my reputation
Damn, why do we have to make eye contact?
Why can’t people read a report instead?
My head’s spinning
The pressure’s getting to me
Sigh. So tired of being this way.
What’s the worst that can happen, you ask?
Well, the possibilities are endless
And each one is as bleak as the other
Wait. Maybe I’ll just call in sick.
Better to blow it off than be known
As a barely audible nutter
It’s best I rehearse for a day or two
Before I go and face my demons
The ones I’ve never slaughtered
To know the motivation behind the photo series, visit
Good luck.
sounds like you need to change jobs
Hi Adrian,
This poem is a work of fiction meant to highlight anxiety at work. It is part of an ongoing photo series depicting mental illness at the workplace. Thank you for your comment and please keep visiting :)