We’re Listening Series – Workplace Anxiety Post 1

I am listening workplace anxiety
Photo credit: Krsna Hemant

As an extension of the mental health photo series, Krsna and I will also be bringing to you real-life stories of mental health issues at the workplace.  We are doing this not just to raise awareness, but because we want everyone who is struggling to know that we are here for you. So feel free to send in your stories. We promise to keep your identity safe.

Without further ado, here is the story on workplace anxiety for this week from a content writer who wishes to remain anonymous:

Years ago, I felt a constant discomfort, erratic mood swings, binge eating spells, and manic emotional outbursts at unexpected moments. All of this pointed towards a mental imbalance of sorts. Since I’m a curious cat, I researched my symptoms until I found out that it was anxiety. I’ve always had social anxiety but this was another kind altogether.

Today, I work in a high-pressure job, so at least once in two weeks, my anxiety gets really bad. I usually take some time off and go outdoors, talk to a friend, or just walk around until I feel like I can deal with it. I also pray or worship silently as it helps me change my perspective and allows me to deal with anything nasty that comes my way. I also get a cup of coffee or listen to music.

Some things that trigger my anxiety at work are:

Pouring in of multiple tasks on an already packed workday

Getting questioned about one task whilst working on another

People’s general insensitivity and selfishness

My workplace does not tackle mental health issues. The only support I get is from colleagues or work friends.

When I see someone struggling with anxiety, I try to make them laugh while keeping my distance, maybe on chat. If I feel that humor isn’t the right approach, I offer to listen or ask if they’d like to take a walk with me.

Read workplace anxiety story #2 here. 

Read workplace anxiety story #3 here.

What do you do to deal with anxiety at work? Let us know in the comments below. 

6 thoughts on “We’re Listening Series – Workplace Anxiety Post 1”

  1. More people need to be made aware of how to deal with anxiety and also how to help someone else who may be suffering from it. I’m glad you’re making an effort to do this.

  2. Okay, this was relatable AF. I get panic attacks too though and trust me, it’s way harder to deal with them than anxiety.

    1. Glad to know you could relate, Arun. I am sorry to hear of your panic attacks. I get them very infrequently and so far, the results have been disastrous, so I totally understand where you are coming from. I hope you find better ways to deal with them – and soon. Take care.

  3. I don’t suffer from anxiety myself but reading this has been eye-opening. I now have a good idea of how hard it is to deal with it, especially at work.

    1. Hi Humerah, us mental health warriors need all the support we can get! Glad to know this post helped you understand how difficult anxiety can be.

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