Please don’t tell me to be grateful
Coffee and a shower are what keep me going these days
They make my mornings tolerable
Which begin with the struggle to get out of bed
Please don’t tell me to be grateful
I sit at my desk after breakfast
Debating whether I should begin some work
Or end my misery with a handful of pills
Please don’t tell me to be grateful
I eat my lunch in silence
Putting it off for as long as I can
My appetite’s vanished for good these days
Please don’t tell me to be grateful
My evenings end on a note of despair
The day’s work is done
But there ain’t no reward
All I have is a heart full of emptiness
And a sleepless night to look forward to
Please don’t tell me to be grateful
I’m at war with my mind
It’s hard enough to get through each day
Without hunting for new rays of sunshine
Look, gratitude backfires in certain situations
It doesn’t work for everybody and that’s okay
Forcing it because it’s such a big trend
Is only going to make us miserable
Blind to the pain of others
Prevent us from accepting reality
Please don’t tell me to be grateful
I know I’m blessed with conveniences
Facilities earlier generations could only dream of
But none of that cancels out my crippling depression
Or the fact that the world is burning
And most of us are passively stoking the flames
I’m aware of the positives in my life
Stop telling me to make a daily journal out of them
Recommended Reading: An ‘attitude of gratitude’ is bullshit. Try this instead.