#RedefineNormalToday – Perpetually Sleepy

 perpetually sleepy redefine normal today
Image Via Deviant Art

Today, I want to talk about something I have always shied away from. It’s not because I am ashamed, it’s because I was always afraid people would judge me for being lazy. But the very aim of this project is to stop caring about what people think and redefine normal. So here I go:

I’m always sleepy. Every hour is sleep o’ clock.

I don’t have insomnia, sleep apnea, or any other health issue. Neither is my smartphone to blame. It’s just the way I am.

Caffeine in the form of coffee is my savior and always helps. But even after a mugful of super strong coffee, somewhere the sleepiness still persists. I simply ignore it and chug on till it’s bedtime.

Do you suffer from any issues related to sleep? Let me know in the comments below. 

This blog post is a part of The Normal Project. 

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