#PulwamaAttack: War is not the answer

pulwama attack war is not the answer

India and Pakistan have long been at loggerheads
The Pulwama attack has only made things worse

Even though terrorism is unacceptable
War is not going to undo the damage
It will only cause more bloodshed

As netizens it is our moral duty to stop spreading hate
Fear-mongering is not ethical too
What we need to do is seek justice, not revenge
So what if that’s not going to happen overnight
Anything worth achieving takes patience and time

In the meanwhile, we can all learn from the Sikh community
Who gave protection, food and shelter to Kashmiris in need
They have figured out one of the best ways to counter hate
And that is not giving in to what the terrorists want

1 thought on “#PulwamaAttack: War is not the answer”

  1. Man, the situation between these two countries seems bleak right now. Hope it doesn’t come down to a full-blown war.

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