This Is Why I Have Not Been Replying To Your Emails

Lately, I have let my inbox take over my life. How did that happen? Well, ever since I opened up my Interviews And Guest Posts section, way too many emails have come in. And while I am happy with the response and the additional work + money, they’ve created one major problem: they’ve come in the way of my writing. Writing is therapeutic for me, and not being able to do it on a regular basis has put me in a dark place.

My anxiety’s heightened and I am afraid if I keep this up, it’s only going to get worse. I wish I could give equal time to writing and handling my emails. But it just isn’t practical to think I can pull that off.

So I’ve decided to do the obvious: prioritize my mental health over replying to everybody as soon as possible.

If you are one of the people wondering why I am taking my own time to get back to you, now you know why. I hope you understand why I am not hitting ‘Reply’ sooner. It’s not you, it’s me. Or rather my anxiety.

Thank you for your patience. I really appreciate it.


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