It’s been a longtime dream of mine to exist as a baby, child, teenager, and adult simultaneously. You know, multiple versions of myself existing in parallel, with each version being able to interact with the other. Picture baby me being taken care of teen me, with both living under the roof of adult me. Can you imagine how much fun that would be? Can you imagine such a scenario for yourself and all of humankind in general? Where instead of outgrowing our former self, we’d literally become another person?
Fun aside, splitting would also allow our younger selves to learn from our older selves, and vice versa. While we can always learn a lot by talking to people of different ages, how often do we take their advice and life lessons to heart? If the same sort of wisdom were imparted by another version of yourself, you would take it WAY more seriously, wouldn’t you? Plus, we wouldn’t really feel nostalgic about our past selves because instead of reminiscing, we could just interact with those versions.
Of course, there would be one massive problem in such a world: the earth would be overwhelmingly overpopulated.
I’ve had this exact wish for years. Life would be so much more interesting if this could happen.
Really? That’s awesome! And yes, that would be something, wouldn’t it?