How Words Wreck Relationships: 5 #ScaryStoriesIn5Words
Written below is a well-played out scene in a lot of monogamous relationships. For the sake of convenience, let’s go with this scenario: the couple is heterosexual and the guy is at fault for not telling his girl he was texting his clingy ex. Girl : #DidSheTextYouAgain? Guy: …
The Journey That Never Was: A Short Story
BEEP BEEP BEEP! I scowled, rolled over and turned off my alarm. The day my family and I had to travel to Delhi had finally dawned. At 6:00 AM. On a Sunday morning. Why? Well, royalty was getting married and we were among the lucky few to be invited. Alright, I am kidding. In reality, …
Do Or Regret: The Choice Is Yours
Minutes melt into hours, hours into days Yet you haven’t mended your ways Each time you resolve, only to dissolve Just how will you ever evolve?