Busting Clichés: Cover Release
Hello, my dear readers! The cover for my very first book Busting Clichés is finally ready! Here, take a look!
Hello, my dear readers! The cover for my very first book Busting Clichés is finally ready! Here, take a look!
February 22. That’s the day I sent my first pitch for a quote for my book. To Ashwin Sanghi of all people! I don’t know what got into me to aim so high right at the beginning, but I did. And come March 1, his quote was in the bag. I was elated – and …
Whoosh! Yet another year has flown by! I can hardly believe it, can you? I had planned way too many things for 2016, which is probably why I’m feeling less than pleased as I review the year today. Well, 2017 is the year I don’t want to have this dreary feeling in the pit of …
21 days to 2017: what will you change this new year? Here’s my list of 3. Read More »
A lot of people do this to themselves. They work at jobs they hate to buy things they don’t need. They date and/or marry just to avoid being alone. Then after years have gone by, they wake up and try to turn things around.
So many times we focus on speaking the right words but we forget how we are saying them. For instance, if we are mad at someone but we don’t want them to know, we will hide our true feelings and talk to them like everything is peachy. We keep calm and speak like all is …
Everybody is different. We all have unique lifestyles and philosophies, and most of them are accepted as personal choices. Why then, when it comes to our professional life, do so many of us regard working full-time as the default standard? Isn’t the number of hours one wants to devote to work a personal choice too, …
Working Part-Time Isn’t Always A Compulsion. Sometimes, It’s A Choice. Read More »
For months now, I have been looking for an appropriate headshot to use for all my social media platforms – Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Now I have quite a few potential photos that I could use—and have been actively taking just for this very reason—but my search stopped as soon as this photo came …
First we had IQ. Then EQ came along. Going by the current state of the world, we will soon have a new quotient: GQ aka Gorgeousness Quotient. Hmm. It sounds ridiculous. But wait, doesn’t it already exist?